5 Useful Websites You need to know about

Useful websites you need to know about
Did you know that there are in total 1.5 billion websites in this world including one of mine? Out of these websites, some are too famous such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. These apps are used by more than 1 billion people in this world. This data clearly shows that internet users don’t know about most of the useful websites that exist on the internet. There are many useful websites created for the sole purpose of helping everyone. Today, we will discuss some of such useful websites that you need to know about.

For those who only want to know the name of the websites that are mentioned below. Here are the useful websites we are going to discuss in this article:

Useful Websites you need to know about

Let's see what each of these mentioned websites actually do:

1. Compressnow.com

Have you ever sat for an entrance exam? if yes, then you must be familiar with the fact that you need to upload your passport size photograph not larger than a specific size, say, 30KB or any other microscopic size you can think of. It is a very useful website for students and does what its name suggests, it compresses images to your desired size. You can compress images in percentage, for example, you can compress an image of 100 KBs to its 50% i.e. 50KBs and so on. You can go to this site and compress your image to the desired size. Remember this website while uploading documents online for any exam or form.

2. Temp-mail.org

Many a times, you need to use a website for only once but you need to sign up in that website and then you receive useless emails in your email id filling up your spam folder. To solve this issue, you can use temp-mail.org which is a temporary email generator. This site provides a temporary email with an inbox which you can use for logging in such sites as mentioned above saving you from useless spams, fraud emails etc. Bookmark this site and use it whenever you use any online service that you are certain of using only once. This app also has an alternative and that is tempmailgenerator.com which does the same thing altogether.

3. iLovePDF.com

This one is for those who work with PDFs frequently. We all know that PDF is one of the most useful and frequently-used file formats, it gives a clean look to any type of document and can be accessed from any device, be it any smartphone, laptop or PC. This website has many features related to PDFs such as merge PDF, split PDF, compress PDF, PDF to Word and many others. You can use these features and many others as per your need, for free.

4. Nirsoft.net

This one is for all the PC geeks out there. This website contains hundreds of mini utility software that can help you in various ways. For instance, this website has tools including Password Tools, System Tools and Browser Tools. This is a useful website for web developers and geeks as it has tools are very useful and can be used for many small and unique things such as knowing your wifi password, knowing product key of various software installed along with your Windows product key. 
Caution, this website is STRICTLY for geeks only.

5. Filehippo.com

If you don’t know about this website then maybe you have never downloaded any software from the internet. Many times, it happens that you try to install a software from the internet and it ends up installing additional unwanted software along with it. This website is one of the SAFEST ways to download any software from the internet as it provides the actual installation file of the software you want to download from the internet.

Are these supposedly useful websites safe?

Yes, these websites are 100% safe and there is no harm in using these websites. Moreover, you should always ensure that the site is loaded as “https” to ensure that your data and personal information is safe. All of these websites are https based hence you don’t need to worry about this. 
Ever wondered how much data do sites have access to? Read this article to know more.

So, these were all the useful websites that I have discovered so far, I will add more once I find any or will give a newer list altogether. Hope it helped you. In case of any question, you can ask me personally through Facebook or simply comment below. I will surely help you out.
