When Should You Buy a New Phone?

When Should You Buy a New Phone?
Photo by Noah Erickson from Pexels
Human mind is a constant learner that learns new thing everyday. The rapidly changing smartphone technology is a great example of this. Every week, there is a new smartphone out in the market with better specs than the one launched a day or a week ago. This cycle continues and new things keep on coming.
While watching this circus, someone who recently bought a smartphone feels that he has made a wrong decision and should have gone for the newer ones. If you also think the same then, it can be said that the strategy works.
Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind before you decide to buy a new phone.

Identify your needs

When Should You Buy a New Phone?
One thing that most users ignore while buying a new smartphone is their needs. Many users buy a new smartphone for the sake of buying one. It has become a kind of want rather than a need. A person will buy a new smartphone because her/his present smartphone doesn’t look as trendy as the newer one. This excuse is not a worthy one if you need to upgrade. Identify your needs and buy a new phone accordingly. Buy a new phone only when your basic needs are not covered with your present device.

Don’t run behind the latest trend

When Should You Buy a New Phone?
This seems to be the most common thing among the smartphone buyers. Users want a new phone because it looks more trendier than their current phone which is fully working and is working properly. If you are the one following the trend as it comes then, it is going to be a costly affair. Almost every year, you will see a new trend in the smartphone industry that will lure you into buying a newer smartphone and you will be stuck in the cycle of buying a new smartphone every year.

Value the Money You Spend

When Should You Buy a New Phone?
Photo by Disha Sheta from Pexels
Smartphones are reaching up to a Lakh Rupees nowadays. This is not because brands want to sell it at that price, this is because people can. People nowadays are willing to spend more money than ever. This is not a bad thing, what is bad is people buying smartphone they can’t afford. We should not buy a smartphone if we could not afford it.
If you don’t have enough money to buy a smartphone without EMI then most probably you can’t afford it and should not buy it. Buying a smartphone you can’t afford only to play certain games better or do any other basic task that a lower cost smartphone can do is not a smart move if you can’t get anything productive out of it.

Do Not Fall for Discount

When Should You Buy a New Phone?

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
The only thing that could stop e-commerce sales was and is the COVID-19 pandemic. These e-tailers know the customers inside out and they know that a customer will buy a shitty product she/he does not need if a good discount is given. It is like buying a truck at a great discount and later on realizing that using metro was the better option to reach Gurugram. In short, do not fall for a discount on a product you never wanted.

Concluding Words

It can now be easily concluded that buying a new smartphone is a crucial decision and oe must take care of various aspects while doing the same. The above mentioned things are also to be taken care while purchasing a new one.

However, it is also true that if one can afford then one can buy any number of smartphones one wants. We cannot control one’s choices no matter what basis they are of. What we can control is e-waste. For that only, we should minimize buying newer products, whether it is a smartphone or something else. Companies like Apple and Samsung, from now on, are rumoured to omit charger with their upcoming devices. This decision seems to be taken to reduce e-waste.

In the end, your decision of not buying a smartphone when not needed is going to be a good one, for your pocket as well as the environment.

I personally don’t buy a smartphone if my current needs are getting fulfilled with my present device.

What do you think about it? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.
